Internal Complaints Committee


The Internal Complaints Committee of  Sant Longowal Institute of Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal was established in accordance with the directives of Hon’ble Supreme Court,  “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PPR) Act, 2013” and UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015  to deal with the complaints of Students/Employees/Outsourcing employees regarding Sexual Harassment and to ensure safety, security and dignity of women at workplace.
The Internal Complaints Committee is functioning, wherever applicable, in accordance with Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Preventive, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013 and provisions contained in UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 and “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PPR) Act, 2013” amended from time to time.


  1. To create a congenial working environment which is free of sexual harassment or gender based discrimination for all women employees and students.
  2. To heighten awareness and sensitivity to this important issue amongst all concerned.


Definition of Sexual Harassment:

“Sexual Harassment” includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts of behavior (whether directly or by implication):

Any unwelcome sexually determined behavior or pattern of conduct that would cause discomfort and/or humiliate a person at whom the behavior or conduct was directed namely –

  1. Physical contact and advances;
  2. Demand or request for sexual favours;
  3. Making sexually coloured remarks or remarks of sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body;
  4. Showing pornography;
  5. Any other unwelcome physical, visual, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature including but not limited to cat-call, wolf/finger whistle, vulgar/indecent jokes, letters, phone calls, text messages, e-mails, gestures etc.

Sexual harassment can involve a series of incidents or it can be a one-off occurrence.

The following circumstances, among other circumstances, if it occurs or is present in relation to connected with any act or behavior of sexual harassment may amount to sexual harassment: –

  1. Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in employment; or
  2. Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in employment; or
  3. Implied or explicit threat about the present or future employment status; or
  4. Interference with work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment   for the person; or
  5. Humiliating treatment affecting any person’s health or safety.


Constitution of ICC :

S No. Name  & Designation Designation  in ICC Contact Details
1. Prof. Parveen Kaur Khanna, Deptt. of M&H Presiding Officer ✆+9199142 30020        ✉
2. Dr. Jaspal Singh Gill, Associate Professor (ME) Member ✆+919417270370          ✉
3. Dr. Prabhdeep Kaur, Assistant Professor (Phy) Member ✆+919781023110          ✉
4. Mrs. Santokh Kaur, Professor (Retd), Government Ranbir College, Sangrur and Senior Vice President Scientific Awareness & Social Welfare Form External Member ✆+917889141251
5. Mr. Avtar Singh, SSS, Admin. Section Member ✆+919855628333          ✉
6. Mrs. Shashi Kiran Soni, UDC (S&P) Member ✆+919417877948            ✉
7. Mr. Bhawesh Prasad, PEI/1904 Student Member (Ph.D)  —-
8. Ms. Mansi Rawat, PG/FET/2255020 Student Member (PG)  —-
9. Ms.Konya Kamal, GME/2130718 Student Member (UG)  —-


Acts & Rules Relating to Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH)

  1. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PPR) Act, 2013”.
  2.  UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015
  3. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Preventive, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013



Report on International Women’s day Celebrations 2025
Celebration of  “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women” on 25th November, 2022 at SLIET, Longowal
  • On the directives of Ministry of Education, Government of India, the Internal Complaints Committee, SLIET, Longowal organized an awareness campaign on the occasion of “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” on 25th November, 2022 in the Computer Auditorium, Department of Computer Science & Engineering.
  • The event was commenced with chanting of “Kulgeet” of the Institute by all present.
  • At the outset, Dr. JapPreet Kaur Bhangu, Professor (M&H) and Presiding Officer, ICC welcomed the Guests and participants and delivered the introductory speech.
  • Prof. Shailendra Jain, Director, SLIET, Longowal and his wife Mrs. Sobhana Jain were the Chief Guest at the Event. In his speech, Dr. Jain motivated the students and other participants to be part of campaign and work to eliminate every type of violence against the girls and women in the society.
  • Dr. Shavinder Kaur, Professor (Retd.), Department of English, Akal Degree College and Former Counsellor, District Women Cell, Sangrur had delivered a talk on the issues relating to violence of Women in the world in a very polite and emphatic manner.
  • Dr. A.S. Arora, Dean(FSW) and Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Dean(SW) had also addressed the audience during the event.
  • Around 125 participants, including faculty, staff and students were present during the event and enthusiastically participated in the campaign. Refreshment was also provided to all the participants.
  • Dr. Santokh Kaur, External Member of the ICC, SLIET, Longowal was also present during the event.
  • In the last, Dr. Shailendra Jain, Director presented Momento to Dr. Shavinder Kaur, and Dr. Parveen Kaur Khanna, Professor (M&H) gave Vote of Thanks to all guests, participants and the organizer, the ICC to make the event a great success.
Awareness Programme on “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PPR) Act,2013) held on 27th April, 2022
Celebration of Navratri in the form of a Workshop on ‘Women Empowerment’ on 18 October 2023
On the occasion of Navratri, Internal Complaints Committee and Women Cell of the Institute organized a workshop on ‘Women Empowerment’ on 18 October 2023. The workshop was graced by Mrs. Sunita Paswan as chief guest and was attended by more than 150 participants from different walks of life such as academia, police, house wives, and social activists. The chief guest appreciated the efforts made by the coordinators to celebrate Navratris in the honour of Maa Durga, the Hindu Goddess of strength and power. She reminds the participants that women are strong and capable of overcoming all the challenges. Professor Mani Kant Paswan, the director of the Institute acknowledged the inevitable contributions of women, who are even outnumbering men in different fields. Saluting the women, who participated actively in the freedom struggle of Bharat, he highlighted that at present there is a dire need of the revival of our Indian traditional culture where women were looked with a lot of respect and honour. The Sur and Rhythm club of the Institute added further fervour to the programme by chanting hymns of Maa Durga. The coordinators Prof. Parveen Kaur Khanna and Prof. Surita Maini thanked the director Professor Mani Kant Paswan for his commitment for the upliftment of women, and SSP Sangrur Sh. Surindra Lamba for his unconditional support as and when required.



International Women’s Day (8th March) celebrated in the form of an Awareness Program and a melodious evening “NITYA” on 11th March, 2024
 Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and Women Cell of the Institute in collaboration with Sur & Rhythm Club and SVIESA Club celebrated International Women’s Day (8th March) by organizing an awareness program and a melodious evening “NITYA” on 11th March 2024. The event was attended by more than 150 participants including faculty & staff members, housewives, students and children. Active participation of women and girls was observed to rejoice the eternal success of women in the creative world. Prof. Rajesh Kumar, Dean (Student Welfare) emphasized that without gender equality a sustainable future remains beyond our reach. He lauded the efforts made by the coordinators to celebrate womanhood on International Women’s Day with a different fervour. The coordinators of the program Dr. Parveen Kaur Khanna, Prof. (M&H), Dr. Surita Maini, Prof. (EIE) and Dr. Anupma Marwaha, Prof. (ECE) also enlightened the audience by highlighting the women’s contributions and achievements at national and global levels and conducted a spirited panel discussion on gender equity and contribution of women’s in elections. The event also witnessed cultural activities including soulful recitations and dances by the students of Sur and Rhythm club of the Institute.
An Awareness Program on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and Women Cell, SLIET in collaboration with the Health Centre, SLIET organized an awareness program on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 for the female employees working on outsourcing (through contractors) in the different departments and sections of the Institute on 21st May 2024. Prof. Parveen K. Khanna, Presiding Officer ICC and Prof. Sushma Gupta, Chairperson Health Centre discussed at length the Act 2013 and the different measures taken by the Institute to create a conducive environment for its female employees so that they can work safely and with dignity.
An Awareness Program on Stress Management and Gender-related Issues
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and Health Centre in collaboration with Girls Hostels organized an intensive awareness program on stress management and gender-related issues with the aim of equipping girl students with strategies to navigate stress situations effectively while fostering gender equality. Dr. Sherrain Rattan, Medical Counsellor SLIET Health Centre, interacted with the students and guided them with mindfulness practices and communication skills to address stressors in the personal and professional spheres. The event was managed by Er. Ankita Omer, Warden GH3. Dr. Parveen K. Khanna, Presiding officer, ICC, Dr. Sushma Gupta, Chairperson, Health Centre, Dr. Gurjinder Kaur and Er. Anshuka Bansal, Chief Wardens, Girls Hostels also enlightened the students with the different ways of coping up with the stress and other gender related issues.



Awareness Programme for female Employees working on Outsourcing

Workshop on Women Empowerment organized by ICC and Women Cell SLIET

Circular regarding Guidelines to ensure safe and inspiring learning environment for female students – Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

Circular regarding To work in an Environment free from harassment is your fundamental right

Office Order regarding Re-constitution of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC), SLIET, Longowal

Circular regarding Awareness Program on “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal Act, 2013 on 27.04.2022 for female staff working on outsourcing

Celebration of “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” on 25th November, 2022

Circular – Discrimination against Women Pakhwada from 25.11.2022 to 10.12.2022

Circular – To work in an Environment free from Harassment is your Fundamental Right

Office Order  Dated 12-12-2019

Office Order Dated 03-06-2019

Office Order Dated 19-02-2018

Office Order dated 28-october-2016

Internal Complaints Committee




Circular – To work in an environment free from harassment is your fundamental right

Copyright © 2025 , Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal - 148106 Distt. Sangrur, Punjab, India
Developed & Maintained by Administrative Computer Services System (A.C.S.S), SLIET