War Room

Competitive intelligence in India has a very bright future and a key tool in inculcating core competency amongst the various areas of the nation including education. The situation requires efficient use of resources with effective monitoring. To face the challenge SLIET has taken a new initiative by establishing WAR ROOM.
A war room (also known as a situation room, command center or control room) is a centralized meeting space where project teams and stakeholders come together visually communicate and do brainstorming on various project activities for problem-solving, risk mitigation and status reporting.
Under this war room umbrella our institutions has identified six pillars (details given below) headed by senior faculty. The teams are meeting at regular intervals to discuss about the requirement of out-come based education, resources needed, timeline and possible challenges and strategies to be formulated for future course of action.

Glimpse of eight pillars

Sr. No
Name of Pillor
1 Outreach and Inclusivity  To strengthen industry linkages at Local area, State Level, Regional Level, National Level

  1. To interact with best industry associations on regular basis
  2. To organize Training program for supervisory staff of industry as per their requirements
  3. To deliver expert talk on motivation and personality development for the industrial staff
  4. To visit industrial areas in different areas : NCR, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Pune, Bhopal, Bangalore, Chennai.
  5. To sign MOU with industries and to get sponsored     projects from industries
2 Research and Professional Practices
  1. Submission of MODROB projects
  2. Expert talk on various topics on regular basis
  3. To organize Seminar / conferences on Waste management and others
  4. To fetch Industry based projects
  5. To obtain food quality and certificate system
  6. To sign MOU with ( NABL).other agencies.
3 Graduation Outcome
  1. Conduct of campus placement Day1 sharing companies (by T&P Head)
  2. To contact Recruiters for placement at Baddi ,NCR/ other regions (by T&P Head)
  3. To frame Industrial training policy (All HOD’s)
  4. To Strengthen feedback from Industry on regular basis (All HODs)
  5. Feedback from Alumni’s and to Share with T&P (Action by Chairman AAS)
  6. Meeting with large scale industries/MNC’s ( Action by All HODs)
4 Branding and Perception
  1. To strengthen industry alumni association to increase industry- institute linkages Advertisement about   institute programs on social sites/ Digital market
  2. Distribution of institute brochures/ leaflets in nearby areas preferably during vacation period
  3. To facilitate students as ambassadors in different areas of the country.
5 Infrastructure Creation
  1. Replacement of conventional street lights and old Ac in phased manner in guest house and various departments.
  2. Every Thursday as Natural light day
  3. Every Friday as No-Vehicle day
  4. Renovation and modification of labs of various departments with fixed target
  5. Provision of sports ground- fencing parking, flouring of external finishing of Kendriya Vidyalaya (K.V)
  6. Renovation of students Room in hostel, Renovation of quarters (Type-1,11,III,IV and V) as required
  7. Establishment of gymnasium in the campus
6 Financial Parameters
  1. Preparation of Annual Account
  2. Tax deposited of parties & employees on or before 7th day.
  3. Processing of children educational allowance
  4. Preparation and Finalization of Annual Account and Submission of quarterly income tax returns of annual income.
  5. Binding of Records and Conduct of Audit (by AG Punjab).
  6. Issue of Form 16/16A to employees.
  7. Collection of semester fees/New admissions fee as per academic calendar
  8. Tax deposit of employees/ Parties.
  9. Transaction Audit by (AG Punjab)
  10. AMC of software
  11. Preparation of Budget and Submission of quarterly Income tax returns.
  12. Circular regarding submission of saving proof from staff/faculty.
  13. Submission of Annual Report to MHRD.
  14. Collection of semester fees as per academic calendar
  15. Submission of quarterly Income tax returns
  16. Circular regarding submission of saving proof and Tax deposited of parties/ employees
  17. Final call for submission of saving profit for SLIET employees
  18. Issue of letters for advance adjustments, Tax deposited of parties.
  19. Closing of final year.
  20. Tax deposited of parties on or before 7th day
7 Students counsellings
  1. To counsel and guide the students tutor-guardian scheme has been implemented in the Institute
8 Academic Excellence
  1. To teach, monitor, to evaluate and other related activities student’s academic calendar is being prepared every year


War Room Inaugurated by Chairman, BOM SLIET


War Room details as on 10.08.2023

War Room Activities


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