Dr. Mandeep Ghai

Basic Details


Dr. Mandeep Ghai


Assistant Professor


Department of Management & Humanity


Phone (O)




Educational Details

Educational Qualification




20 Years of teaching Experience

National Level
1. Upgrading Professional practices through Total quality Management” J. ISTE, Delhi vol. 22 No. 3 PP 20-23, July-Sept. 1999.
2. “Industry Institute-Interaction: Need of the Hour” J.ISTE Delhi, Vol. 2, No. 4 pp-7-9 Oct.-Dec. 1999.

International level
1. “Innovative Entrepreneurship Development Programmes – Case studies” in the proceeding book Research & Technology Innovative Ingressions a publications of Desh Bhagat Group of Institutes I.S.B.N no.978-81-910125-6-9.

2. An Analysis And Assessment of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) in Punjab.” published In Asian Journal of Business & Management in sept. 2013 having impact factor.

3. Research paper entitled “ A Research on Interest Amongst Technical Youth towards Self Employment/ Service in The Present Era” in International Journal of Economics, Commerce with impact factor .

4. Research paper on “ A study of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes in Promoting Entrepreneurship in Punjab: An Overview” has been published in the International journal of research in ,Management & Engineering” with impact factor.

5. Ethics & Social Responsibility in the Corporate World: Need of the Hour has been published in the International journal of research in ,Management , Economics & commerce” with impact factor.

1. “Industrial Human Resource development-Challenges of 21 Century” National Conference, TTTI, Chandigarh 7-8 Oct. 1999.
2. “Entrepreneurship in Education, Challenges and Strategies” National Seminar, TTTI, Chandigarh, 24-25, Nov. 1999.
3. Human Values, Technical Education & HRD” National Seminar, SLIET, Longowal(Pb.) Nov. 30, 1999.
4. Role and place of teacher in the Age of It and Humanism” National Seminar, SLIET, Longowal (Pb.) Sep. 05, 2000.
5. “SSI- A boon to Employment” in the National Seminar” India Towards Entrepreneurial society-Retrospection, Introspection and Retrospection” at TTTI Chandigarh on Nov. 24 & 25, 2000.
6. Significance of teacher in the Present Scenario” National Seminar, SLIET, Longowal, Sept. 05, 2001.
7. A paper titled “Entrepreneurship in India-why & How?” was contributed in National Seminar, TTTI, Chandigarh, Oct. 10-11, 2001.
8. Effective management of Agro waste Resources in National seminar on Recent Advances in Environment science and technology at SLIET, Longowal on Oct. 4-2002
9. Contribution paper titled Entrepreneurship-A survival kit for the growth of nation in National Seminar on Entrepreneurship in Knowledge Economy at TTTI, Chandigarh on Nov. 13-14, 2003.
10. Contributed a paper in National Seminar on Frontiers of Green Entrepreneurship held on Nov.14-15, 2002 at TTTI, Chandigarh.
11. Paper titled women An example of Multiple Roles in WIDP-04 at National seminar held on March, 15-16, 2004 at SLIET, Longowal.
12. Entrepreneurship- A key for the overall Development of a National in National Seminar on Technical Education and Entrepreneurship in the era of WTO held at SLIET on Septxc. 03, 2004.
13. IQM in Technical Education- Need of the Hour in the Platinum Jubilee National Seminar at DEI Technical college, Dayalbagh, Agra on Jan. 18-19, 2002
14. A Productivity Measurement Model for TQM in A Technical Educational Institute” in National Seminar at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi(UP) on Jan. 19-20,2002.
15. Technical Education vs Human values in National Seminar at BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib (Pb.) on April 26th, 2002.
16. Initiative for the uplifting of disabled persons & National Seminar on challenges in vocational and technical educational to persons with disabilities on Sept. 24-25th 2002.
17. Factors which brand the product of a institute in to market/world of work” in National Seminar on industry institute partnership for National and International development on Feb. 6-7, 2003.
18. Suggested organizational structure of training and Placement Cell in Sant Longowal Inst. of Engg. & Technology, Longowal “in National seminar on industry institute Partnership for National and Institutional Development on Feb. 6-7, 2003.
19. Rehabilitation of women with Disabilities in National Seminar on Persons with Disabilities held at NITTTR, Chandigarh in Nov. -2007.

International Level
1. “TQM & CQI: A foundation to National development at 34th annual convention of ORSI & an International Conference at Institute of Engineers, Jadavpur University, Kolkata held on 27-29, 2001.
2. “Human Values & Vision in Technical Education in New Millennium” in International Seminar on Value Based Education at Desh Bhagat Institute of Management & Computer Sciences held on 3-4October, 2008.
3. “Women in Leadership Roles” on 7th-8th October,2010 at Desh Bhagat Institute of Mgt. & Computer Sciences,Mandi Gobindagarh(Pb).
4. “ Social Entrepreneurship – A Mantra for Poverty Eradication” in International conference i.e ICBM-2011 held at Bangkok , Thailand on January 21-27,2011.
5. “Business and Corporate Social Responsibility-A key to Social Transformation”, in International conference i.e ICBM-2011 held at Bangkok , Thailand on January 21-27,2011
6. “Innovative Entrepreneurship Development Programmes – Case studies” in the international conference on Innovate-Lead-Succeed organized by Desh Bhagat Group of Institutes held on Sept.30 &Oct1,2011.

7. “The art of Managing the People” in international conference on Challenges in Human Resource Managementd organized by Desh Bhagat Group of Institutes held on Sept.21&22,2012.



National Level
1. Upgrading Professional practices through Total quality Management” J. ISTE, Delhi vol. 22 No. 3 PP 20-23, July-Sept. 1999.
2. “Industry Institute-Interaction: Need of the Hour” J.ISTE Delhi, Vol. 2, No. 4 pp-7-9 Oct.-Dec. 1999.

International level
1. “Innovative Entrepreneurship Development Programmes – Case studies” in the proceeding book Research & Technology Innovative Ingressions a publications of Desh Bhagat Group of Institutes I.S.B.N no.978-81-910125-6-9.

2. An Analysis And Assessment of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) in Punjab.” published In Asian Journal of Business & Management in sept. 2013 having impact factor.

3. Research paper entitled “ A Research on Interest Amongst Technical Youth towards Self Employment/ Service in The Present Era” in International Journal of Economics, Commerce with impact factor .

4. Research paper on “ A study of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes in Promoting Entrepreneurship in Punjab: An Overview” has been published in the International journal of research in ,Management & Engineering” with impact factor.

5. Ethics & Social Responsibility in the Corporate World: Need of the Hour has been published in the International journal of research in ,Management , Economics & commerce” with impact factor.

1. “Industrial Human Resource development-Challenges of 21 Century” National Conference, TTTI, Chandigarh 7-8 Oct. 1999.
2. “Entrepreneurship in Education, Challenges and Strategies” National Seminar, TTTI, Chandigarh, 24-25, Nov. 1999.
3. Human Values, Technical Education & HRD” National Seminar, SLIET, Longowal(Pb.) Nov. 30, 1999.
4. Role and place of teacher in the Age of It and Humanism” National Seminar, SLIET, Longowal (Pb.) Sep. 05, 2000.
5. “SSI- A boon to Employment” in the National Seminar” India Towards Entrepreneurial society-Retrospection, Introspection and Retrospection” at TTTI Chandigarh on Nov. 24 & 25, 2000.
6. Significance of teacher in the Present Scenario” National Seminar, SLIET, Longowal, Sept. 05, 2001.
7. A paper titled “Entrepreneurship in India-why & How?” was contributed in National Seminar, TTTI, Chandigarh, Oct. 10-11, 2001.
8. Effective management of Agro waste Resources in National seminar on Recent Advances in Environment science and technology at SLIET, Longowal on Oct. 4-2002
9. Contribution paper titled Entrepreneurship-A survival kit for the growth of nation in National Seminar on Entrepreneurship in Knowledge Economy at TTTI, Chandigarh on Nov. 13-14, 2003.
10. Contributed a paper in National Seminar on Frontiers of Green Entrepreneurship held on Nov.14-15, 2002 at TTTI, Chandigarh.
11. Paper titled women An example of Multiple Roles in WIDP-04 at National seminar held on March, 15-16, 2004 at SLIET, Longowal.
12. Entrepreneurship- A key for the overall Development of a National in National Seminar on Technical Education and Entrepreneurship in the era of WTO held at SLIET on Septxc. 03, 2004.
13. IQM in Technical Education- Need of the Hour in the Platinum Jubilee National Seminar at DEI Technical college, Dayalbagh, Agra on Jan. 18-19, 2002
14. A Productivity Measurement Model for TQM in A Technical Educational Institute” in National Seminar at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi(UP) on Jan. 19-20,2002.
15. Technical Education vs Human values in National Seminar at BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib (Pb.) on April 26th, 2002.
16. Initiative for the uplifting of disabled persons & National Seminar on challenges in vocational and technical educational to persons with disabilities on Sept. 24-25th 2002.
17. Factors which brand the product of a institute in to market/world of work” in National Seminar on industry institute partnership for National and International development on Feb. 6-7, 2003.
18. Suggested organizational structure of training and Placement Cell in Sant Longowal Inst. of Engg. & Technology, Longowal “in National seminar on industry institute Partnership for National and Institutional Development on Feb. 6-7, 2003.
19. Rehabilitation of women with Disabilities in National Seminar on Persons with Disabilities held at NITTTR, Chandigarh in Nov. -2007.

International Level
1. “TQM & CQI: A foundation to National development at 34th annual convention of ORSI & an International Conference at Institute of Engineers, Jadavpur University, Kolkata held on 27-29, 2001.
2. “Human Values & Vision in Technical Education in New Millennium” in International Seminar on Value Based Education at Desh Bhagat Institute of Management & Computer Sciences held on 3-4October, 2008.
3. “Women in Leadership Roles” on 7th-8th October,2010 at Desh Bhagat Institute of Mgt. & Computer Sciences,Mandi Gobindagarh(Pb).
4. “ Social Entrepreneurship – A Mantra for Poverty Eradication” in International conference i.e ICBM-2011 held at Bangkok , Thailand on January 21-27,2011.
5. “Business and Corporate Social Responsibility-A key to Social Transformation”, in International conference i.e ICBM-2011 held at Bangkok , Thailand on January 21-27,2011
6. “Innovative Entrepreneurship Development Programmes – Case studies” in the international conference on Innovate-Lead-Succeed organized by Desh Bhagat Group of Institutes held on Sept.30 &Oct1,2011.

7. “The art of Managing the People” in international conference on Challenges in Human Resource Managementd organized by Desh Bhagat Group of Institutes held on Sept.21&22,2012.

8. “EXCEEDINGLY CAPTIVATING ADVERTISEMENT CONTENT: REFERENCE TO FMCG PRODUCT” PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology Volume 17, Issue 06, 1st, Page No. 5536-5543, (Scopus Indexed) Dec. 2020

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