Circular regarding Quiz on Secure Social Media Practices

Circular regarding Quiz on Secure Social Media Practices

Name of the Quiz: Secure Social Media Practices”


  1. The Quiz is organized as part of the “Stay Safe Online” campaign.
  2. Link of the quiz:
  3. This quiz will be available up to 30-04-2023.
  4. Each participant will be given 10 questions and 5 minutes time duration only.
  5. Please enter your name, name of the institution (Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, India) correctly as the same will be displayed on the certificate.
  6. Please register with the official institute E-mail only.
  7. Please fill out the following google form, once the certificate is issued:
  8. The quiz winners will be announced at (Only those participants who score 50% or above will be issued a digital participation certificate which can be downloaded immediately from the website. The certificates are available during the Quiz period only. For more information, please visit

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