Sr. No Name of the Activity Duration
1 Launching of SPIC MACAY SLIET Chapter 20th December, 2013
2 Celebrating Foundation Day 20th December, 2013
3 Expert Talk in Physics 15 January 2014
4 Inagural Ceremony student chapter of IEI(CT) 16th January 14
5 One day workshop on “ Chemical industries & entrepreneurship” 23rd January 14
6 National conference on the role of women in science and technology (NC-RWST) Feb. 2014
7 National Seminar of Food Engg. and 14th-15th Feb 2014
8 Celebration of science daynew 28th Feb. 2014
9 Workshop on programming skill development 7th March 14
10 National conference on “ computational intelligence in electrical engineering” 7-8 March 2014
11 Workshop on Analytical and computational techniques in chemical sciences 7-8 March 2014
12 Activity of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 20-21 March 2014
13 Welding skill competition 22 April, 2014
14 Celebration of national technology day 11th May  2014
15 Celebration of environmental day 5th June 2014
16 Celebration of Teacher’s day 5th Sept. 2014
17 Celebration of engineers day 15th Sept. 2014
18 Nat. Workshop on trends & Innovations in welding 15th Sept. 2014
19 Celebration of NSS Annual day 24th Sept. 2014
20 Symposium on latest trends in computer science & IT 26-27 Sep. 14
21 Celebration of world food day 16th Oct. 2014
22 National Engineering Students` convention 21-22 Oct.2014
23 Celebration of world energy day 22nd Oct. 2014
24 Annual Sports day 23-24Oct. 2014
25 Alumni meeting 8th Nov. 2014
26 National Education Day 11th Nov. 2014
27 NCC Day 26th Nov. 2014
28 Closing ceremony of silver jubilee year 20th Dec. 2014